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Healthy after school snack with cottage cheese
Healthy after school snack with cottage cheese
2 Reviews.
A healthy version of an after school snack made with cottages cheese, fruits, seeds and granola muesli. Is ready in 5 minutes and is not required any cooking skills, even the kids can even make it them self.

Ingredient List for 2 servings:
100 gr Cottage cheese
1 Kiwi
1 Banana
1 tablespoon Sunflower seeds
1 tablespoon Pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons Granola muesli
Peel and cut the kiwi and banana in pieces.
Pour the cottages cheese in 2 serving bowls.
Place the fruits evenly in the 2 bowls on top of the cottages cheese. Sprinkle the pumpkin, sunflower seeds and granola on top of the fruits.
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This recipe is from Sweden
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