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Lime cheesecake
Lime cheesecake
1 Review.
This is a homemade lime cheesecake with a thin crusty bottom and a creamy cream cheese filling. The secret to get the cake both high and creamy is to use sweet condensed milk together with cream cheese. But the most important key to it all, is to cook it in the oven and then let it rest for a day before serving it to the guests.

Ingredient List for 10 servings:
220 gr Graham biscuits
120 gr Butter
1 can Condensed milk
300 gr Cream cheese
3 Limes
4 Egg yellows
Oven temperature:
180 degrees Celsius
Preheat the oven at 180 degrees Celsius.
Blend the graham biscuits in to crumbles in a machine.
Melt the butter and mix it well with the biscuit crumbles. Cover the bottom of a round baking form with the mixture. Press it lightly together so it becomes a firm bottom.
Place the cake bottom in the middle of the oven for 10 minutes. Take it out but keep the oven on.
Stir together the cream cheese and the condensed milk. Add the egg yellows and the lime juice from the limes and mix for one minutes.
Pour the mixture on the cake bottom, and place in the middle of the oven for 15 minutes.
Take out the cheesecake and let it cool down and after that place in the fridge for a day.
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This recipe is from United States
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