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Sarah Bernhardt Cookies (Swedish chocolate-biskvi)
Sarah Bernhardt Cookies (Swedish chocolate-biskvi)
5 Reviews.
If you go to a Swedish Coffee shop you most probably will find this traditionally Swedish coffee bread. It is made of almond paste bottom, have a chocolate filling, and then dipped in chocolate. If you have an urge for chocolate and like sweet cookies this is the number one choice to make. The best part is that it is easy and fast to do, and will impress your guests.

Ingredient List for 10 servings:
Button Bottom
3 Egg whites
300 gr Almond paste

Button Filling
100 ml Whip cream
2 tablespoons Butter
180 gr Dark chocolate

Button Topping
180 gr Dark chocolate
1 tablespoon Coconut butter

Oven temperature:
175 degrees Celsius
Button Bottom
Preheat the oven at 175 degrees Celsius.
Put the egg whites in a bowl and whip them to a hard foam.
Grate the almond paste big. Pour the in the bowl with the egg whites and stir together.
Make round cookie bottoms out of the almond paste on a baking paper. A good size is approx five centimeters in diameter.
Put the bottoms in the middle of the oven for ten minutes.
Take out the cookie bottoms and let the cool down.

Button Filling
Pour the whip cream and the butter in a casserole and let it heat up to boiling point.
Take away the casserole from the stow and pour down the dark chocolate in the liquid while stirring until the chocolate is melted.
Place the casserole in the fridge until it have the texture so you can put it in a piping bag.
Put the cookie bottoms up side down with the flat side up.
Pour the chocolate in a piping bag and squeeze the chocolate on top of the cookie bottoms. Make it look like a mountain in the shape.
Place the cookies in the fridge for the moment.

Button Topping
Melt the dark chocolate and the coconut butter in a casserole while stirring. Make sure to have a solid liquid in the color.
Take out the cookies from the fridge and dip them whit the chocolate part in the melted chocolate.
Put the cookies on a plate and place them in the fridge to get a hard chocolate surface before serving them.

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This recipe is from Sweden
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