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Swedish flatbread with salmon picture
Soft flatbread is perfect to all occasions, make it in a roll, fold, cut, or wrap. Use it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a starter. This bread you can use for almost everything. In swedish it is called tunnbrödsrulle
Country of origin: Sweden
Preparation time: 00:10
Cooking time: 00:00
Swedish Cinnamon buns
2 Reviews.
Swedish Cinnamon buns picture
Traditional Swedish kanelbullar is perfect for every occasion. The children love to drink milk to freshly baked cinnamon buns.
Country of origin: Sweden
Preparation time: 02:30
Cooking time: 00:10
Danish/Swedish Shrimp salad (Skagenröra) picture
A creamy shrimp salad with lumpfish caviar and dill, named after a town in Denmark. Perfect as a starter on withe bread.
Country of origin: Sweden - Region: West coast.
Preparation time: 00:10
Cooking time: 00:00
Korvstroganoff with rice picture
A sausage sauce with a big sausage called falukorv in Swedish. You can take whatever sausage you like as long as it is not to strong, cervelat sausage is a good option. A simple weekday food.
Country of origin: Sweden
Preparation time: 00:10
Cooking time: 00:15
Cheese pie (Västerbotten paj) picture
Swedish Cheese pie often served coold as a side dish. Common to serve the pie together with fresh seafood, or to have it as part of an cold summer buffé.
Country of origin: Sweden - Region: Västerbotten.
Preparation time: 00:40
Cooking time: 00:40
Oven pancake with pork (Fläskpannkaka) picture
This is not a dessert or breakfast pancake, this is a main dish that is traditionally served with lingonberry jam (a non-sweet jam most probably to be found in a Scandinavian shop or at IKEA).
Country of origin: Sweden - Region: Norrland.
Preparation time: 00:05
Cooking time: 00:30
Strawberry crumble pie picture
2 Reviews.
A dessert pie with no bottom, instead it have crumbles on the top. You can make it with any berries or fruits that you like. It is very good to serve the pie medium warm together with vanilla sauce or vannilla ice cream.
Origin: Sweden
2 Reviews.
A dessert pie with no bottom, instead it have crumbles on the top. You can make it with any berries or fruits that you like. It is very good to serve the pie medium warm together with vanilla sauce or vannilla ice cream.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:10 - Cooking : 00:00
Swedish chocolate cake picture
3 Reviews.
The Swedes are crazy about chocolate cake that is sticky in the middle (kladdkaka). This is a basic one that is common to do. To change it a bit you can add some chocolate both inside the cake, and on top of it.
Origin: Sweden
3 Reviews.
The Swedes are crazy about chocolate cake that is sticky in the middle (kladdkaka). This is a basic one that is common to do. To change it a bit you can add some chocolate both inside the cake, and on top of it.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:10 - Cooking : 00:20
Swedish pizza salad picture
6 Reviews.
When you eat a pizza in a Swedish pizzeria you will always get this typical Swedish pizza salad made of white cabbage, olive oil, citron juice or vinegar, salt and pepper.
Origin: Sweden
6 Reviews.
When you eat a pizza in a Swedish pizzeria you will always get this typical Swedish pizza salad made of white cabbage, olive oil, citron juice or vinegar, salt and pepper.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:20 - Cooking : 00:00
Chocolate balls picture
5 Reviews.
With this recipe the chocolate balls almost taste like the the ones you find in the cafes. If you prefer a more adult version you can add some whiskey or cognac. For children you can add some chocolate powder like o'boy.
Origin: Sweden
5 Reviews.
With this recipe the chocolate balls almost taste like the the ones you find in the cafes. If you prefer a more adult version you can add some whiskey or cognac. For children you can add some chocolate powder like o'boy.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:30 - Cooking : 00:00
Swedish vacuum cleaner picture
23 Reviews.
In Sweden this rolls is known as “Dammsugare” translated it means vacuum cleaner. It is because the rolls look like the shape of and old vacuum cleaner that was common in the Swedish households from 1920 and several decade forwards.
Origin: Sweden
23 Reviews.
In Sweden this rolls is known as “Dammsugare” translated it means vacuum cleaner. It is because the rolls look like the shape of and old vacuum cleaner that was common in the Swedish households from 1920 and several decade forwards.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 01:00 - Cooking : 00:10
Swedish arak balls picture
32 Reviews.
Arak is a Lebanese aniseed spirit and popular to use in these Swedish chocolate balls. With this recipe the arak balls almost taste like the balls you find in the cafés. You can change the bread crumbles against oatmeal, or biscuits like digestive.
Origin: Sweden
32 Reviews.
Arak is a Lebanese aniseed spirit and popular to use in these Swedish chocolate balls. With this recipe the arak balls almost taste like the balls you find in the cafés. You can change the bread crumbles against oatmeal, or biscuits like digestive.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 01:30 - Cooking : 00:10
Almond and coffee cake picture
5 Reviews.
This cake is perfect if you are not a sweet tooth but still like desserts. The bottom is foft and the topping is with cream but have a coffee taste. To make it different it is possible to sprinkle som dark chocolate on top of the cake.
Origin: Sweden
5 Reviews.
This cake is perfect if you are not a sweet tooth but still like desserts. The bottom is foft and the topping is with cream but have a coffee taste. To make it different it is possible to sprinkle som dark chocolate on top of the cake.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:20 - Cooking : 00:15
Jansson ´s temptation picture
3 Reviews.
This potato gratin with anchovy (Janssons frestelse) is a classic on every Swedish Christmas tables and most of the eastern tables. The recipe got it name in the 1940 when it was published. This is a different fish dish, without the typical fishy taste.
Origin: Sweden
3 Reviews.
This potato gratin with anchovy (Janssons frestelse) is a classic on every Swedish Christmas tables and most of the eastern tables. The recipe got it name in the 1940 when it was published. This is a different fish dish, without the typical fishy taste.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:20 - Cooking : 00:40
Swedish carrot cake picture
6 Reviews.
You can find an almost infinite number of variations of the carrot cake. This is one is one of the Swedish versions of the popular cake with a lot of cinnamon.
Origin: Sweden
6 Reviews.
You can find an almost infinite number of variations of the carrot cake. This is one is one of the Swedish versions of the popular cake with a lot of cinnamon.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:20 - Cooking : 00:30
Swedish Christmas ham picture
3 Reviews.
Swedish people normally serve their Christmas ham cold with a mustard glaze. Cook the ham slowly and then add the glaze that gives the important Christmas taste.
Origin: Sweden
3 Reviews.
Swedish people normally serve their Christmas ham cold with a mustard glaze. Cook the ham slowly and then add the glaze that gives the important Christmas taste.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:20 - Cooking : 02:00
Swedish minced meat pie picture
3 Reviews.
A typical way to do a pie in Sweden is to use beef minced meat. You can add different ingredients in this pie. The pie has a bottom but no top.
Origin: Sweden
3 Reviews.
A typical way to do a pie in Sweden is to use beef minced meat. You can add different ingredients in this pie. The pie has a bottom but no top.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:20 - Cooking : 00:50
Moose steak with chanterelle mushroom stew picture
1 Review.
This is a good way to cook moose steak if you are not use to cook wild meat. This recipe will give you a tender meat because of the slow cooking. The meat need to lay in marinade up to 4 days before you will cook it.
Origin: Sweden
1 Review.
This is a good way to cook moose steak if you are not use to cook wild meat. This recipe will give you a tender meat because of the slow cooking. The meat need to lay in marinade up to 4 days before you will cook it.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:40 - Cooking : 02:00
Pyttipanna picture
4 Reviews.
This is a dish based on potatoes and whatever meat product you have as left over at home, like sausages, ham, bacon or kassler. Best served with fried eggs and salt cucumber or cooked beets.
Origin: Sweden
4 Reviews.
This is a dish based on potatoes and whatever meat product you have as left over at home, like sausages, ham, bacon or kassler. Best served with fried eggs and salt cucumber or cooked beets.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:20 - Cooking : 00:40
This is a soft chocolate cake with a frosting that tastes like coffee and chocolate. This recipe will give you many cakes and if you do not eat them all you can put the left over ones in the freezer.
Origin: Sweden
11 Reviews.
This is a soft chocolate cake with a frosting that tastes like coffee and chocolate. This recipe will give you many cakes and if you do not eat them all you can put the left over ones in the freezer.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:30 - Cooking : 00:15
Summer strawberry mousse cake picture
3 Reviews.
This is a typical summer cake with strawberries but in another way of making the cake bottom. Instead of a soft cake bottom, this recipe use a almond paste with egg white for the bottom that makes it a wonderful combination together with the strawberry mousse. This recipe have an ingredients named Kesella, but it is possible to change it to cream cheese, curd cheese, fromage frais, or quark with the same fat percent. To make the mousse hard you might need to add one gelatin sheet or two.
Origin: Sweden
3 Reviews.
This is a typical summer cake with strawberries but in another way of making the cake bottom. Instead of a soft cake bottom, this recipe use a almond paste with egg white for the bottom that makes it a wonderful combination together with the strawberry mousse. This recipe have an ingredients named Kesella, but it is possible to change it to cream cheese, curd cheese, fromage frais, or quark with the same fat percent. To make the mousse hard you might need to add one gelatin sheet or two.
Origin: Sweden - Region: unknown.
Preparation : 00:20 - Cooking : 00:20
Creamy Potato salad picture
3 Reviews.
This potato salad is wonderfully creamy thanks to the sour cream and creme fraiche that give a fresh taste because there no mayonnaise in the base. This salad is perfect as a side dish to the summer BBQ together with meat, chicken or sausages. The salad is quick and easy to make and can stay in the fridge for a few days ready for the next serving.
Origin: Sweden
3 Reviews.
This potato salad is wonderfully creamy thanks to the sour cream and creme fraiche that give a fresh taste because there no mayonnaise in the base. This salad is perfect as a side dish to the summer BBQ together with meat, chicken or sausages. The salad is quick and easy to make and can stay in the fridge for a few days ready for the next serving.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:15 - Cooking : 00:20
Swedish strawberry cake picture
10 Reviews.
This is a traditional cake in Sweden to bake for the midsummer celebration around the 19-20 of June. It is easy to bake, and fun to decorate it with all the strawberries, but hard to resist not eat them while decorating. The cake is even better one day after the preparation, so if you have time prepare it on day before you will serve it. This cake is so tasty it is hard to resist a second piece.
Origin: Sweden
10 Reviews.
This is a traditional cake in Sweden to bake for the midsummer celebration around the 19-20 of June. It is easy to bake, and fun to decorate it with all the strawberries, but hard to resist not eat them while decorating. The cake is even better one day after the preparation, so if you have time prepare it on day before you will serve it. This cake is so tasty it is hard to resist a second piece.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:30 - Cooking : 00:35
Shrimp cheese cake picture
10 Reviews.
This is a really good but different way of preparing a non sweet cheese cake with a delicious combination with cream cheese, shrimps and a dark bottom, which gives this cake a wonderful creamy taste. It is perfect as a starter, side dish, or why not have it on the buffet table, and the cake is even better if you prepare it one day before. To decorate the cake with some fresh shrimps, lumpfish roe, dill and citron gives an extra nice touch to it all.
Origin: Sweden
10 Reviews.
This is a really good but different way of preparing a non sweet cheese cake with a delicious combination with cream cheese, shrimps and a dark bottom, which gives this cake a wonderful creamy taste. It is perfect as a starter, side dish, or why not have it on the buffet table, and the cake is even better if you prepare it one day before. To decorate the cake with some fresh shrimps, lumpfish roe, dill and citron gives an extra nice touch to it all.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:30 - Cooking : 00:05
Swedish shrimp sandwich (Räkmacka) picture
59 Reviews.
A shrimp sandwich like this one is a summer classic in Sweden. Do not let the name sandwich fool you, for it is not an ordinary sandwich. Using fresh shrimps from the sea will make it wonderfully good. It is traditionally served with white round unsweetened bread, and you can choose the size you like.
Origin: Sweden
59 Reviews.
A shrimp sandwich like this one is a summer classic in Sweden. Do not let the name sandwich fool you, for it is not an ordinary sandwich. Using fresh shrimps from the sea will make it wonderfully good. It is traditionally served with white round unsweetened bread, and you can choose the size you like.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:15 - Cooking : 00:10
Swedish strawberry crumble pie picture
14 Reviews.
This is a traditional Swedish crumble pie is with the strawberries directly on the pie form and the crumbles on top. It is easy and quick to prepare. You can change to other berries or fruits and it will still be delicious. The best way to serve the pie is together with a vanilla sauce, vanilla cream or vanilla ice cream. It is possible to freeze the pie.
Origin: Sweden
14 Reviews.
This is a traditional Swedish crumble pie is with the strawberries directly on the pie form and the crumbles on top. It is easy and quick to prepare. You can change to other berries or fruits and it will still be delicious. The best way to serve the pie is together with a vanilla sauce, vanilla cream or vanilla ice cream. It is possible to freeze the pie.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:15 - Cooking : 00:25
This Scandinavian dish is very popular in Sweden. It is often served in the summer but also for big celebrations when you have many guests. It is made of white toast bread in layers with different creamy fillings in between. The fun part is to choose the ingredients and decorate the cake differently every time.
Origin: Sweden
7 Reviews.
This Scandinavian dish is very popular in Sweden. It is often served in the summer but also for big celebrations when you have many guests. It is made of white toast bread in layers with different creamy fillings in between. The fun part is to choose the ingredients and decorate the cake differently every time.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:30 - Cooking : 00:10
Baked potato and shrimp sauce picture
11 Reviews.
The baked potatoes have a soft inside with a crispy skin on the outside. There are two ways of cooking a baked potato either as it is or with aluminum around them in the oven. In this recipe we chosen to enhance the flavor with a typical Swedish shrimp sauce.
Origin: Sweden
11 Reviews.
The baked potatoes have a soft inside with a crispy skin on the outside. There are two ways of cooking a baked potato either as it is or with aluminum around them in the oven. In this recipe we chosen to enhance the flavor with a typical Swedish shrimp sauce.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:15 - Cooking : 01:00
Swedish princess cake (Prinsesstårta) picture
16 Reviews.
This is a traditional Swedish cake, which is popular to serve at children birthdays parties. It is usually made with a layer of vanilla cream, a layer of jam or berries, a layer of whip cream and have a marzipan lid on top. It was first made for three royal princesses, but as all children are small princes and princesses they get this cake from their parents anyway.
Origin: Sweden
16 Reviews.
This is a traditional Swedish cake, which is popular to serve at children birthdays parties. It is usually made with a layer of vanilla cream, a layer of jam or berries, a layer of whip cream and have a marzipan lid on top. It was first made for three royal princesses, but as all children are small princes and princesses they get this cake from their parents anyway.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:30 - Cooking : 00:40
Swedish radio cake / Hedgehog slice picture
13 Reviews.
A homemade Swedish radio cake that doesn't require the oven for cooking. This is a cake of dark chocolate and biscuits. The name radio cake comes from the cake's appearance of an old radio from the fifty´s and also because you could eat it without disturbing the rest of the family while listening to a radio broad cast...
Origin: Sweden
13 Reviews.
A homemade Swedish radio cake that doesn't require the oven for cooking. This is a cake of dark chocolate and biscuits. The name radio cake comes from the cake's appearance of an old radio from the fifty´s and also because you could eat it without disturbing the rest of the family while listening to a radio broad cast...
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:10 - Cooking : 00:05
Swedish shrimp salad (Skagenröra) picture
17 Reviews.
A homemade classical Swedish shrimp salad also called skagenröra. This is a typical summer delight and taste best with fresh shrimps. It is mostly served as a starter on a toast, but also a favorite to baked potatoes, or as a filling in a baguette. The salad is named after the Danish town Skagen, furthest north in Denmark.
Origin: Sweden
17 Reviews.
A homemade classical Swedish shrimp salad also called skagenröra. This is a typical summer delight and taste best with fresh shrimps. It is mostly served as a starter on a toast, but also a favorite to baked potatoes, or as a filling in a baguette. The salad is named after the Danish town Skagen, furthest north in Denmark.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:10 - Cooking : 00:00
Swedish soft flatbread have a wide variation of use. They are perfect as a wrap, starter or a side dish. It is also possible to eat them as breakfast, or prepare them and have them on the road. This version is perfect as a starter do to its salty taste of the olives and creaminess of the cheese.
Origin: Sweden
1 Review.
Swedish soft flatbread have a wide variation of use. They are perfect as a wrap, starter or a side dish. It is also possible to eat them as breakfast, or prepare them and have them on the road. This version is perfect as a starter do to its salty taste of the olives and creaminess of the cheese.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:15 - Cooking : 00:00
Cold ham sauce picture
1 Review.
This homemade sauce or dip is fast and easy to prepare. It is perfect to serve the sauce cold on a baguette, together with baked potatoes, or on toast bread as a starter. It is common as a filling in a Swedish sandwich cake.
Origin: Sweden
1 Review.
This homemade sauce or dip is fast and easy to prepare. It is perfect to serve the sauce cold on a baguette, together with baked potatoes, or on toast bread as a starter. It is common as a filling in a Swedish sandwich cake.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:10 - Cooking : 00:00
Cold chicken sauce picture
1 Review.
This is a homemade cold chicken sauce is wonderfully creamy. It is perfect together with baked potatoes, cold salads, or as a filling in a baguette or a in a wrap. You prepare it in a few minutes, and if you don´t like curry it is possible to change to paprika powder instead.
Origin: Sweden
1 Review.
This is a homemade cold chicken sauce is wonderfully creamy. It is perfect together with baked potatoes, cold salads, or as a filling in a baguette or a in a wrap. You prepare it in a few minutes, and if you don´t like curry it is possible to change to paprika powder instead.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:10 - Cooking : 00:00
This Swedish soft flatbread rolls are perfect as a starter, in you picnic basket, or when your are on the road. The rolls can be prepared the day before, and be in the fridge until serving. The smoked salmon taste best if you use a fillet and then take small pieces to your flatbread.
Origin: Sweden
4 Reviews.
This Swedish soft flatbread rolls are perfect as a starter, in you picnic basket, or when your are on the road. The rolls can be prepared the day before, and be in the fridge until serving. The smoked salmon taste best if you use a fillet and then take small pieces to your flatbread.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:10 - Cooking : 00:00
Swedish flat bread with meatballs picture
3 Reviews.
This is a fast and simple recipe of the Swedish soft flat bread with meatballs. This recipe uses already done meatballs, but it always tastes better if you do them yourself. It is perfect to serve this rolls cold, either as a starter or as a side dish. The rolls will be especially appreciated by the kids.
Origin: Sweden
3 Reviews.
This is a fast and simple recipe of the Swedish soft flat bread with meatballs. This recipe uses already done meatballs, but it always tastes better if you do them yourself. It is perfect to serve this rolls cold, either as a starter or as a side dish. The rolls will be especially appreciated by the kids.
Origin: Sweden
Preparation : 00:15 - Cooking : 00:10
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