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Strawberry sorbet
Strawberry sorbet
1 Review.
A wonderful light and refreshing sorbet made with strawberries. It is both simple and quick to do. To use fresh strawberries gives the sorbet a wonderful red color. It is possible to make the sorbet with or without an ice cream maker.

Ingredient List for 4 servings:
500 gr Strawberries
1 tablespoon Citron juice
90 gr Sugar
150 ml Water
pour the water and the sugar in a casserole and let it boil on low heat for 2-3 minutes. Take away the casserole from the stow and let the liquid cool down.
Wash the strawberries and take away the green top, put them in a blender and make a purée of the berries.
Pour the strawberries and the citron juice in the casserole with the sugar liquid and stir it together.
If you will use an ice cream maker pour the sorbet in the machine and mix it according to your machine instruction. Then place the sorbet in a box and let the sorbet in the fridge for a few hours. If you do not have a machine pour the sorbet in a box and place it directly in the fridge for a few hours.
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