Start by preparing the choux pastry by pouring the milk, water, and sugar in a casserole. When boiling reduce the temperature and add the butter and stir together
Add the flour while stirring and continue until the pastry sticks to the bottom of the casserole. Take away the casserole from the heat.
In a bowl whisk the eggs.
While stirring the choux pastry add the egg mixture bit by bit. Continue until the batter is smooth and shiny. If not add one egg.
Preheat the oven at 250 degrees Celsius.
Place a baking paper on a baking sheet.
Pour the batter in a piping bag. Make a shape of a sausage approx. 15cm long and 4 cm wide on the baking paper.
Place the baking sheet in the middle of the oven and reduce the temperature to 180 degrees Celsius.
After 25 minutes open the oven to let the moist out. Let it cook 5 more minutes.
Take out the eclairs and let them cool down.
Time to prepare the chocolate cream by whisk the egg yellows, sugar, cacao powder, and the cornstarch.
While stirring add the milk bit by bit.
Pour the batter in a casserole and stir until it thickens. Remove from the heat and add the butter and stir until melted. When the cream is sticking to the spoon let it cool to room temperature.
Place your eclairs upside down and make a cross in the middle with a knife.
Pour the chocolate cream in a piping bag and fill the eclairs with it.
Time to prepare the icing by melting the chocolate.
Heat up the heavy cream. Pour it over the chocolate and stir together.
Add the butter while stirring and let it all mix well.
Dip the top of each éclair in the icing.