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French Galette des Rois with saffron
French Galette des Rois with saffron
14 Reviews.
This is a homemade French Galette des Rois cake but with a little change added in the filling. It has the traditional almond filling but with saffron as well. The cake is to be served on epiphany day the 6th of January. Every child is hoping to get the figurine hidden in the cake, so he or she will become king or queen of the day.

Ingredient List for 10 servings:
0.5 gr Saffron
120 gr Almond paste
180 gr Almond flour
1 Puff pastry roll
2 Eggs
80 gr Butter
40 gr Sugar
Oven temperature:
180 degrees Celsius
Preheat the oven at 180 degrees Celsius.
Grate the almond paste and mix with the butter. Add the saffron, almond flour and one egg and mix well.
Cut the puff pastry in half. Place one half on top of a baking paper. Spread evenly the almond filling on the puff pastry. Leave the edges free from filling.
Place a figurine in the cake filling.
Whisk one egg. Brush the edges around the filling. Place the other half of the puff pastry on top. Press together and cut the edges to a round shape. Press the edges nicely with a fork.
Brush the top of the cake and make a nice pattern with a fork or knife.
Place in the middle of the oven for 50 minutes. Take it out and let cool down.
Cut the cake in pieces before serving, and the person who gets the figurine is king or queen of the day.
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