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French Madeleines
French Madeleines
7 Reviews.
This is a recipe of the French classical small shell-shape sponge cakes. To get the shell shape you need to have a special shell-shape baking form, which is sold in kitchen or baking stores. The cakes come with many different flavors like citron, orange, vanilla or almonds.

Ingredient List for 10 servings:
3 Eggs
150 gr Flour
15 gr Baking powder
110 gr Sugar
120 gr Butter
1 teaspoon Vanilla extract
Oven temperature:
210 degrees Celsius
Melt the butter in a casserole.
Whip the eggs in to a mousse, than add the sugar, melted butter and your choice of flavor.
Mix the flour and the baking powder in a bowl and mix it in the batter. Make sure the batter is smooth and not to compact. Add milk if it is to compact.
Let the batter in the fridge for 1 hour.
Preheat the oven at 210 degrees Celsius.
Butter and flour the shell-shape baking form and fill the forms to 3/4
Place the cakes in the middle of the oven, and when the cakes have a nice bump in the middle, lower the heat to 180 degrees Celsius. The baking time takes approximately 10 minutes in total. Take out the Madeleines when surface is golden brown.
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