These small no bake cheesecake desserts fits to every occasion. It's easy to prepare, taste wonderful and is a treat for the eyes. Make sure you prepare one or two extra because it is always someone who would like another one.
This skewers are made from mince meat of beef. You can change the spices so it fits your taste. It is really good to serve them together with a cold summer salad on the side.
This long thin ribs are from pork and become really tender with a nice BBQ surface. The Secret is to grill them on a lower heat but for a longer time. This is with homemade marinade, and it need to absorb in to the meat for a few hours before grilling. You can use different marinade depending how strong you like to have the ribs.
There is different ways of doing garlic bread. This recipe use butter, salt, garlic and parsley. Easy way of do it yourself instead of buying the frozen ones from the shop, and taste much better. The bread is perfect to serve as a starter or have as a side dish., your favorite place to share your homemade recipes, and find inspiration for easy
and homemade recipes from around the world.
Looking for an inspiration for a different appetizer, mingle food or to bring on a picnic? Why not trying one of these cake salé, also known as salty bread or savory cake.
These breads are filled with different kinds of cheese and other salty ingredients.