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Snail sausages
Snail sausages
11 Reviews.
Have you ever thought of eating snails? This is a fun a homemade recipe for kids and adults for when you decide to try to eat snails for the first time. These small snails will most probably be a fun side dish of a kid party.

Ingredient List for 4 servings:
4 Sausages
4 Uncooked spaghetti
1 teaspoon Mayonnaise
16 Quinoa seeds
Divide the sausages in half on the short side. Cut away the round edges.
Divide the long parts in half along the sausages. Place the pieces with the flat side down. Cut a few small deep evenly spaced cuts in each piece.
On the edge piece cut away approximately 2 cm. keep for later. Make sure you keep the round end piece.
On the round edge’s pieces make a diagonal cut. Place the piece on a flat surface so it looks like the head of the snails are looking up.
Place the small round piece on the back of the snail. Attach the piece with a small piece of uncooked spaghetti.
Wrap the long side around the small piece and attach with a piece of uncooked spaghetti.
Place on the head of the snails some uncooked spaghetti pointing up, so it looks like tentacles.
Place 2 small dots of mayonnaise for eyes on each snail. Place a quinoa seed on each mayonnaise to make the eyes finished.
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